Occasionally we get reports of students experiencing this problem, and generally we advise you to refresh your browser to kick-start the session. In most cases, this fixes the problem.
If it does continue to happen, it may be because one of the plug-ins installed in your browser is preventing chat from loading correctly. In particular, we have recently become aware that the popular 'Grammarly' plug-in for Chrome browsers is causing issues.
If you have experienced chat issues and you have Grammarly installed in your browser, we recommend that you temporarily disable the plug-in for your chat, or alternatively start your session in an incognito window.
There may be other browser extensions that cause a similar issue. If you would like to report an issue with our chat, and know the extensions that you have installed, please contact us at hello@studiosity.com with details of the browser and extensions you're using so that we can resolve the issue in future.