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Writing Feedback: How it works

Get fast feedback on your writing, any day of the year.

Sophia avatar
Written by Sophia
Updated over a month ago

Studiosity is your go-to for ethical, fast feedback on your writing.

Just click on 'Upload now' any time of day or night, to submit your document for feedback.

Submitting your document

Once you've clicked on 'Submit your document', you'll need to tell us a little about the file you'd like us to review, and upload it. We support doc, docx, odt, txt or rtf files with a maximum word count of 8,000 words and file size under 4 MB. ย 

Types of documents

You can submit any written assignment, including essays, business letters, case studies, scientific reports, short stories, speeches, text analysis, dissertations, CVs, and cover letters for feedback.

Make sure your writing is in English, and does not contain too many images or tables.

Reviewing your feedback

Once your document has been reviewed, you will see the feedback summary on the top right. Read this first, then scroll through your comments, or click on the highlighted parts of your text to see the corresponding comment.

And of course, if you want a good old-fashioned hard copy of your document, you can click on Download PDF or Print in the top right-hand-corner.ย 

Viewing it on mobile

Want to collect your document on your phone? No worries, you can do that too. To make the most of the smaller mobile screen, you'll see a link at the bottom of your screen that allows you download a mobile-friendly PDF.

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